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In the little town of Cullymore, where much of the action of Little White Lies is set, there is much of this passing, pre-agricultural world,which remains still recognisable.

Surely there can’t be mysteries in such a place-much less grace…There is, however.And menace-and dread.

Why is Mary going to Enniskillen?

And why is Dolly Phairs wearing Sophia Loren sunglasses.

Why do we have to tell lies to survive?

And what on earth is really going on in Patsy The Barber’s shop?

Where a visitor has just arrived-unannounced and unrecognised.

Where has he come from-and just what is it Mr Jones wants?

Manchester United are going to win the European cup-and Johnny Ray, on the wireless, is lamenting his broken heart.

And all we are dealing with is just another ordinary old week in Cullymore-a small town on the border, in the year 1958.

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